i am sorry for the loss of your person. and the million things that vanished on the day their heart stopped beating. and the billion things you must grieve every single day that they aren’t here. and I am sorry that there isn’t a better word than just sorry. – Sara Rian
Here’s the truth about grief: loss gets integrated, not overcome. However long it takes, your heart and your mind will carve out a new life amid this weirdly devastated landscape. Little by little, pain and love will find ways to coexist. – Megan Devine
Watching My Friend Pretend Her Heart Isn't Breaking
On Earth, just a teaspoon of neutron star would weigh six billion tons. Six billion tons equals the collective weight of every animal on earth. Including the insects. Times three. Six billion tons sounds impossible until I consider how it is to swallow grief— just a teaspoon and one might as well have consumed a […]
Want to help a grieving friend?
Want to help a grieving friend? Let them be sad. The thing is, you can’t cheer someone up by telling them to look on the bright side, or giving them advice. Your job, honestly, is to feel awkward and stay there anyway. Just hang right out there with their pain. Megan Devine
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